Azul - Electra MeshDress Sapphire *SOLARIS AW15 FW*
[limited edition color for this event]
Belleza - Keira Catwa Applier Sunkissed
[Their first applier made for mesh heads and works ONLY with Catwa head. Available in 7 skin tones (Fair, Pale, Medium, Sunkissed, Tan, Deep Tan and Mocha), with each skin tone you get 5 brow options, 5 eye makeups, 5 lip colors and freckles]
Catwa Head - Jessica V4.1
Catwa Hair - Princess
Other credits:
EarthStones - Dallas Diamond Choker & Earrings
Ikon - Promise Eyes Hazel
Slink - Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.3 Elegant
Di's Opera Pose - Exquisite 2 - 1
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