She's a Lady

LpD Princess
LpD - Princess Dress Blue [in love with this outfit...the top is mesh and the skirt is flexi and texture is netting...gorgeous! Available in 3 colors]
Lode - Hat Vivid [includes color change hud for ribbon]
Kunglers Extra - Solaris Earrings [available in 3 metals and bead color varies with metal]
Just Design - Greta Damask Gold [very cool shoes...the hud has skin makers tones already loaded and labeled...impressive.  You can recolor the strap, heel, sole & flower.  You can also hide the flower]

Other credits *please see slurl page above*
LpD - Garbo Clutch All Gold
Mandala - Bracelet Pearl Rain Season 2 Cream
booN - KBO906 Hair Chocolate
