Basking Butterfly

Under the Sea Expo ends tonight so there is still time to go.  RL has been crazy...wish I had time to show you more.  I really enjoyed blogging this gave me the opportunity to be a bit more creative with my pics.  Fantasy is fun!

Mer-chandise cove - Butterfly Koi
House of Rain - Abyssal Amber collar & cuffs
[available in various stone & metal colors.  I'm wearing amber but I tinted the stone to match]
BF - Blind Eyes Ghost
[a variety of eyes and makeup is available at the event]

*COSMETIC FAIR - ends July 15*
LpD MakeUp - Kara Ver. 2 Only Eyes
[2 versions with 3 layers each option.  The complete versions have a red lip]

Other credits:
Slink Mesh Hands (av) Gesture
LeLutka - Pocahontas Hair AlmostGoth
Glitterati Pose - Jewelled 10
