Enchantment is coming...
Enchantment is an event that centers around fairy tales, where each new round a fairy tale is chosen and new and exclusive items are created by participating designers. Enchantment opens Nov 1 and will cycle every 3 months. The first fairy tale to be featured is "Grimm's Snow White".
Also...if you haven't been to Horrorfest please make an effort to go and donate. This is a charity event benefiting the Epilepsy Therapy Project. Visit the Horrofest Blog for additional information on activities. Also, there is a hunt and you can check out the hunt prize previews here.
la petite morte - Skin - Reagan Snow White
Miamai - Grimhilde Hair & Hairbase CruelBlack
Junbug - Snow White in Crimson S
ISD - Death's Grip Choker & Earrings Death
Other credits:
Pure Poison - Diamonds Apple Clutch Black
Slink - Mesh Hands (av) Mouse
Manifeste Pose - 199 [discontinued pose]
Also...if you haven't been to Horrorfest please make an effort to go and donate. This is a charity event benefiting the Epilepsy Therapy Project. Visit the Horrofest Blog for additional information on activities. Also, there is a hunt and you can check out the hunt prize previews here.
la petite morte - Skin - Reagan Snow White
Miamai - Grimhilde Hair & Hairbase CruelBlack
Junbug - Snow White in Crimson S
ISD - Death's Grip Choker & Earrings Death
Other credits:
Pure Poison - Diamonds Apple Clutch Black
Slink - Mesh Hands (av) Mouse
Manifeste Pose - 199 [discontinued pose]
Lovely pics! I've shared the link on Plurk and my latest blog entry. Keep up the great work.
ReplyDeleteThank you Stacey...I appreciate it. :))