Home & Garden Expo 2
The Home & Garden Expo continues....I encourage you to donate to the great cause. The exclusives are the charity items with 100% of the funds going to Relay for Life/American Cancer Society. Just click on the expo logo to the right and it will take you there!
Tether's End - Garden Summer House *EXCLUSIVE* [includes furnishings and a patch of flowers]
Weather! or not? - The Moonflounder, celestial dreamfish *EXCLUSIVE* [includes: sky & sea versions w/ rotating milky way aura, poses and emits stars & bubbles...love this fishy]
Creative Fantasy - Copper Dove Cote w/ controllable sound *EXCLUSIVE*
Finishing Touches Squat Barrel Planter Spring Assortment Pinks
Designer Prims - Sparkly rotating star lights Large/small *Expo Freebie* [they have a freebie pack :)]
Tether's End - Garden Summer House *EXCLUSIVE* [includes furnishings and a patch of flowers]
Weather! or not? - The Moonflounder, celestial dreamfish *EXCLUSIVE* [includes: sky & sea versions w/ rotating milky way aura, poses and emits stars & bubbles...love this fishy]
Creative Fantasy - Copper Dove Cote w/ controllable sound *EXCLUSIVE*
Finishing Touches Squat Barrel Planter Spring Assortment Pinks
Designer Prims - Sparkly rotating star lights Large/small *Expo Freebie* [they have a freebie pack :)]