Living a Dream

{what next} Bailey Coffee Table
[w/vase of roses, tray and cup decor]
{what next}Bailey Picture Shelf
[4 themes-texture change frames & shelf, including blank version to add your own images]
other credits:
{what next} Bailey Lounge Chair (w/pillow)
{what next} Dotty Plate of Cookies
{what next} Pothos Plant (stand)
{what next} Swiss Cheese Plant
{what next} House Plant - Rubber Tree
{what next} House Plant - Agave
{what next} Pothos Plant small
Kuro - The three lamps (copper)
Aria & The Loft - Devon book pile and glasses
Aria - Lydia decorative book pile
Aria - Signe decorative book pile
MudHoney - Chelsea Rug
Blueberry - Cake Leggings Regular Isis
Blueberry - Jocelyn Knotted Top Isis
Belleza- Isis
Belleza - Ruby Genus Applier Sunkissed
EMO-tions Hair - Mei w/flower/orange
Genus Project - Genus Head Classic Face
Mikunchx - solita Slippers 6
[old gacha item from chapter four]
The Oak - Astrud Round Glasses
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