Resting Warmly

Scarlet Creative Nostaglia Bed Wood/Plum
[available in 2 wood colors ( pewter & wood) & 4 blanket colors]

*DESIGNER WAREHOUSE-Rotation ends Jan 16*
Lok's - Barbary Coast Freight Desk Set
[Set includes: Desk with & without Deco, File Cabinet (right of bed), Chair w/animations]

Backwoods mafia - Industrial plank wall 2 .BM
[decorated plank wall (includes all to the right of bed).  plain/individual versions also available]
Backwoods mafia - Cargo box seat peacock, deer head & bird
[3 separate seats with animations.  plain cushions are also available]
BananaN - Yosana hanging lanterns 2, 4 & 5
BananaN - Bhagwanti wall décor
Frogstar - Hipster Journal #2 Raven, #4 Necronomicon & 3 Steampunk Rare
Frogstar - Hipster Journal #18 Paint Strokes, #21 Paint Splats, #22 Vines & #23 Antlers
[on desk]
Hipster Journals Gacha

Other credits:
Scarlet Creative - The Trilby Dacha Mesh Prefab
Half-Deer - Deer Paintbrush Holder Shabby Chic
Half-Deer - Carved Woodland Animals Faerie Deer Rare
Orange.Blue faded rug
[bought ages ago and no store information found]
