Me, Myself & I

Took a breather for my sanity the last few days and one thing I was anxiously waiting on was The Arcade event to open. Gatchas are one of my fave things in SL...I'm addicted to the fun.  There are some great items at this event and tried to jam my fave items in one pic...but still have more to show. lol

The Zodiac Virgo shop is open until September 17 and just love this Happy Purity top.  It has a great texture and detail with a bow that has beads on the ends.  Purity is available in 6 colors.  Also available is this great Delusions Tattoo.  Posted before but had to again. :)  Includes 3 layers faded & fresh; with/without Virgo symbol on neck.

A good day for relaxing calls for comfy/casual additions like Winona the latest release from Truth Hair and Podium summer flats.  More notes below...

Happy - Purity Blueberry [6 colors available]
Delusions - Parthenos Dios Tattoo faded+neck [has the Virgo symbol on neck]

Cheeky Pea - Macaron Ring Garden [fun & colorful]
LISP - Dolly Days Ironing Board Red, Blue, Lemon & Pink [It's a scary thing...I hate to do laundry but I love to love this set.  Not to mention my fave pose is the surfing one!  Has 3 fun & 4 ironing animations]
LISP - Dolly Days Rug Pink, Lemon, Green & Blue
LISP - Dolly Days Basket Red, Pink, Lemon & Blue
Art Dummy! - Pandora's wooden legs chipped yellow [I love these and I got a rare (not shown) one! It's cute...will post soon.  They have 4 animations]
Art Dummy! - Pandora's wooden legs chair turquoise
what next - Oslo Chair Patchwork [Love this little chair....such cute prints but this one I was so glad I finally got all the colors.  Has his (6) & hers (7) animations]
NO - Doll Head Vase Nippy [I'm in love with these plant/vase...I know I keep saying love but there's so many cool things lol  I got all but one of these...lots of fun]
NO - Doll Head Vase Mother Nature
floorplan - driftwood clock gatcha blue
Commoner - Monogram Marquee Light C & G [WOOT! lucked out on the first 2 tries]
MudHoney - Sunshine Sign [I love the song you are my sunshine...was so happy to get this sign.  This one is a hard gatcha but glad I got my fave one]
DIGS - Portman Plan Chest TheArcade Rosewood [this is a really cool chest and several wood tones avaialable..this one is my fave.]

Truth -Winona Espresso
Podium - textile summer flats gray [available in 16 colors]

Other credits: *Store SLurl Page*
Damned - Selene Eyelashes
Maitreya - Zipper Skinny Jeans Dirty
Belleza - Shyla Sk 3
