You are not created for everyone to like you. Just be yourself and the right ones will.

You are not created for everyone to like you. Just be yourself and the right ones will.

Zibska - Loki Ext Collar & Headpiece *The Darkness Event*

Zibska Vina Makeup [75] 03 *The Darkness Event*

Zibska Vina Lips [75] 03

Zibska Vina Lips [75] 02

ND/MD - Joe 2 Ivory Head Skin no brows

Kaos Tattoo - Kemono BOM 80%

Maktub Store  - Astaroth - Big Veins 100%

Repulse - Behemoth Eyes LeLutka EvoX Applier

Wasabi - Coconut Hair - Size A

Swallow - Earrings Pixie Gauged S02 (f)

Swallow - Pixie Gauged S Ears (f)
