Harvest Moon

Celestinas Wedding - Rustic Autumn *DESIGNER SHOWCASE*
[fluffy grass, basket cat, wagon wheel/pumpkins, pergola, wagon wheel chandelier, dinner table/chairs]
{what next} Alpine Cabin
{what next} Bramley Rocking Chair (pine) - Leaf
{what next} Welcome Pumpkin
{what next} Garden Paving short straight lit
junk - kade bench. orange [no link available]
%Percent Furniture - Mason Jars
[CIRCA] - Autumn Harvest Haybale with Dreaming Kitty RARE
[CIRCA] - Autumn Harvest Haybale Prop (3 pos)
[CIRCA] - Autumn Harvest Daisy Bird House Stand
[CIRCA] - The Pathway Outdoor Bench Autumn (20 pos)
[CIRCA] - "Autumn Harvest" Pumpkin Hay Pile
Little Branch - WildGrass Dry
Little Branch - CanadianRedMaple 4Seasons Animated
Little Branch - CherryTree.V2 4Seasons
Heart Garden - WW Alder Tree Mature1
Heart Garden - Giant Forest Oak
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