Waves of Light

Waves of Light
Zibska - Fenice Necklace & Earrings
[10 color change options for 2 sections]
Mesange - Mesh Eyes V2
[15 colors]

Damselfly - Shreya Rigged Mesh

*MAINSTORE-from recent indee teepee event*
alaskametro - Aquatica makeup palette Lelutka HUD
[5 eyeshadow/5 lipsticks]

alaskametro - Sunny shape Lelutka Simone Bento

*MAINSTORE-from recent indee teepee event*
CIRCA - ABYSS Tidal Wave Lounger Ripple Solid (36 pos)
CIRCA - ABYSS Fibre Optic Swirl Plant Aqua & Violet

Other credits:
Belleza - Erin Lelutka Applier Deep Tan
Belleza - Isis
LeLutka - Head.Simone
