A Simple Life

Scarlet Creative - Atley House *COLLABOR88*

Atelier Visconti - Annabelle Rocking Chair & Barrel *THE LIAISON COLLABORATIVE*
[part of a gazebo set previously blogged here]
{what next} - Vermont Hot Chocolate Tray Deer *COLLABOR88*
[available in 6 colors and gives hot chocolate /cookies. All sets include decor version with tray (linked) and also mugs, chocolatiere and box of cookies separately]
Dysfunctional Designs - Wicker Candle Lanterns *THE LIAISON COLLABORATIVE*

Dysfunctional Designs - Moorside Barrel Showerstall *WE <3 ROLE-PLAY*
Dysfunctional Designs - Moorside Single Barrel Set
Dysfunctional Designs - Woodsy Garden Pinwheel *THE LIAISON COLLABORATIVE*

Other credits:
{what next} - Harvest Sign
Shutterfield - Barrel Planter White
Zigana - Rag Rug
Heart Gardens - Grasses & Trees
