Vintage Fair Final Post

Even though its almost over I wanted to get the last of the pics I had taken for the Vintage Fair posted.  The event ends at 4slt today but sure you will be able to find these items in their mainstores after the event.

Vintage Fair Ivalde Icing Nemesis
Left to Right
Ivalde Olinza Magenta
Plume Desir Onyx
Donna Flora Amalia Earrings & Mita Ring
Curio GP Petal Dark Vintage Ritz 1
ICING Just Swing Dress Navy
Nardcotix Edna Platform Pump Red
Plume Retro/Onyx
Caroline's Jewelry Simple Pearl Drop Earrings& Necklace
Curio GP Petal Dark Vintage-Ritz 2
Nemesis Romy Bodysuit Lipstick 5
Nemesis Rita Skirt Java 2
Plume Retro/Onyx
Phresh Chande Earrings
Curio GP Petal Dark GoGo-Groovy 2
Nemesis Fabulous Gloves Black

Vintage Fair Pididdle CIA Ingenue
Left to Right
Pididdle Loveliest Lace Mini Tarnished
Pididdle Loveliest Diamond Earrings L
LoQ Hair Brandy Dark Brown
CheerNo Skins Bridget Pale DB Vintage MU01
CIA Vintage Frances
Sugarsmack Juliet Brownie Batter
Caroline's Jewelry Simple Pearl Drop Earrings
Anthem VictoriaRings Silver
Phresh Felix Bangle Petal
CheerNo Skins Bridget Pale DB Vintage MU01
Ingenue Ava Dress Fuschia
CheerNo Bridget Pale Skin Vintage MU01
CheerNo Hair Dita 2 Dark 3-1
Caroline's Jewelry Simple Pearl Drop Earrings& Necklace

Whew...resting after all that editing.....this was a great experience and hope yall liked what I posted for this wonderful event!

Vintage Fair What Next Sugarsmak IndieRose

Indie Rose High Waisted Shorts & Top {Black/Blue}
Sugarsmack Cate/Brownie Batter
Nardcotix Edna Platform Pump Red
Curio GP Petal Dark Vintage-Ritz 1
What Next Sophia Furniture Set
